Are Unicorns Real? Did they ever exist?

The unicorns are legendary. In European mythology, they are represented as white, majestic horses, with a goat-like horn; they are fair beings, symbolizing grace and purity. Some stories speak of their power to render poisonous water drinkable and heal sicknesses. In today’s popular culture, they still hold an important place; they are the symbol of rarity and everything that is good and fabulous and untainted by the daily trivialities of our lives. Nevertheless, the question lingers on…

#NAME Are Unicorns Real? Did they ever exist?

Did Unicorns ever exist?

Unicorns did exist, but they did not look like in the stories and fairytales. Not at all. They were four meters long, 2.5 meters high and 3.5 tones heavy hairy beings resembling much to the rhinoceros of today. They lived some tens of thousands of years ago and they were quite…hideous. Recent studies show that they have actually walked on this Earth some 29,000 years ago. They used to live in the Western Siberia and they had no flying abilities or any mystical gifts of any kind. They were just some normal beings trying to survive on a tougher planet than we know today.

Are Unicorns Real?

Unicorns were real and used to exist in the form that we explained above. Hopefully, you’ll not be disappointed. We do not want you to be. Believing in unicorns means you believe in everything that is good and fair in this world and that is the right step towards a healthier and better life. Keep believing!

What you should know about Elasmotherium sibiricum?

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Elasmotherium sibiricum is the legendary unicorn’s distant ancestor. It was not fair and gorgeous, but it did exist. The real unicorn was more of a rhinoceros which mostly dwelled in today’s Siberia. It is colloquially known as the Siberian unicorn and it belongs to the Quaternary period. It was huge in size, but quite nimble and agile as it ran across the huge homelands of central Asia: from Kazakhstan to Ukraine, Azerbaijan or Russia. It is possible that it also reached the distant lands of Mongolia and China.

The bones of this distant species were preserved and DNA was extracted from them to be analyzed in the lab. The results show that the unicorn belonged to the group Rhinocerotinae, the group to which all modern rhinoceros belong. So, the unicorn you liked to believe in was actually a rhinoceros who could not survive the late Quaternary extinction event some 50,000 years ago.

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The Unicorn is Scotland’s national animal.

Yes, you’ve read that right. Scotland’s national animal is the unicorn and the Scots do not seem to care that their national animal was not a horse-like powerful being, but rather a rhinoceros who fell victim to the Quaternary period extinction. For the Scottish people, the unicorn is the symbol of purity, strength and power and that’s all that matters.

A lot of Scotland’s monarchs have used the unicorn symbol on their coat of arms since the 15th Century and until more recent times. For kings, this mythological being was the raw representation of power and power was everything for a king.

Actually, only kings and virgins could hold a unicorn captive, that was the antique believed. Either way, unicorns did exist, only they were rhinoceros. Nevertheless, unicorns will remain a strong symbol in our popular culture, the perfect representation of rarity purity and nobility.