Why does my cat sit on me?

Why does my cat sit on me?

Your cat sits on you because she seeks warmth, security, wants attention, wants to get social and show her affection towards you. Yes, she loves you!

Why do kittens knead?

Why do kittens knead?

Kittens knead and we love them for that. Actually, we love them for everything because they’re so cute and needy and purring all the time. There are also moments when they go crazy, chew on pretty much everything and sharpen their little claws on your favourite sofa, but you must forgive them, they’re just little…

Why do cats knead blankets?

Why do cats knead blankets?

Cats do knead blankets and we all know it, we’ve all seen it and we’ve all wondered why. Cats do like smooth and clean surfaces and blankets provide them with exactly that. So cats start “making bread” using the blanket as dough and you might get angry at them for doing that and ruining your…

Why does my cat watch me sleep?

Why does my cat watch me sleep?

Ever wake up in the middle of the night to your cat’s eyes glimmering in the dark? It feels like there’s a silent killer trapped inside her, like she’s planning to end you in your sleep? Well, maybe not like that, but it creeps you out, right? Or maybe you wake up from a nap…

Why does my cat watch me shower?

Why does my cat watch me shower?

Cats usually follow their owners in their daily activities. They like doing staring at you when you do various house activities, shower being one of their favourite. You’ve probably asked yourself why. Especially if you’re a lady and you tom cat is staring at you while you shower and won’t take no for an answer…

Why does my cat lick my earlobe?

Why does my cat lick my earlobe?

Maybe you haven’t observed it, but cats do have very clean ears themselves. So, are they actually trying to take care of yours as well? This might have passed through your head when your cat was licking your earlobe. Why does my cat lick my earlobe? The answer is a little bit more complex than…

Why does my cat lick my dog?

Why does my cat lick my dog?

Usually, cats and dogs have a love& hate relationship. The cat is always the meanest and able of playing tricks on the dogs, while our puppy cute friends are just trying to be friendly and nice. At least this is the image that the Internet, movies and cartoons have pictured. You’re probably living in a…

Why does my cat lick my hair?

Why does my cat lick my hair?

Your cat has this hard to explain behaviour of licking your hair? You should rejoice: you’re her favourite human. Does she lick your beard or brows as well? You’re no longer her preferred human, you’re her favourite peer. For cats, grooming is a sign of affection and they usually do this to their peer feline…

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