AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

Airplane is such a common thing for all of us. Especially for a child, who finds some excitement in spotting one when flying over him/her.

But could you imagine, in today’s world their are few people who doesn’t even know about airplanes. They don’t know that such a medium for transportation even exists.

Weird! Isn’t it? But true!

This tribe, about whom I am telling you, lives in Amazon Basin in Brazil. The island is so remote that these people are totally cut-out from rest of the world.

Look, how these people reacted when they spotted a plane, for the first time may be, flying through that area.

When they spotted the plane, the tribesman seem genuinely startled.

#NAME AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

They stared at the sky, shaking their spears.

#NAME AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

It’s almost surreal to see such a reaction to modern technology in 2014.

#NAME AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

The fact that there are people in the world who are so isolated is incredible.

#NAME AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

This tribe, which lives in Brazil’s Acre State, grows crops, peanuts, bananas, corns and more.

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#NAME AIRPLANE. An Alien Thing For Them. Must Read!

Its so surprising to see, that in today’s time, there are some areas like this, where people are totally unaware of the modern technologies. But still, they live a perfect life in their own way.