Why do zebras have stripes?

Why do zebras have stripes?

The question of why zebras have stripes has been a zoology mystery for as long as humans have known that zebras exist, or at least since the 1870s. Evolution proponents Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace had some famously different ideas about the evolutionary purpose of stripes on a zebra. They’re pretty unique in the…

Can My Pet Be Right- Or Left-Pawed?

Can My Pet Be Right- Or Left-Pawed?

  We know that humans are either righties or lefties, but what about our four-legged friends? Can cats and dogs favor a certain side? So far, evidence suggests that it just may be so. In two studies conducted in 1991 and 2006, results showed that cats and dogs can definitely have a dominate side; instead…

Does My Dog Know How I’m Feeling?

Does My Dog Know How I’m Feeling?

Any dog lover or owner can attest to the fact that nothing makes you feel better on a sad day quite like having your furry friend curl up on your lap and lick your tears away. Why are dogs so good at guessing when we need comforting? Does My Dog Know How I’m Feeling? Believe…

How Do Big Cats Feel About Catnip?

How Do Big Cats Feel About Catnip?

  Your little predator loses its mind over catnip, but is the zeal shared by her big-cat relatives? It sure is! Biologists and zoologists have known since at least the 1970’s that big cats can be just as gaga for catnip as their more compact brethren. The first study on record was performed by researchers…

World’s Most Giant And Gross Insects!! MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!

World’s Most Giant And Gross Insects!! MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!

[tps_header] This list of horrifying bugs barely scratches the surface of the creepy-crawlies that exist around the world. (Guess which ones you can find in your own home.) [/tps_header]  Giant Weta: Say hello to the spine tingling Giant Weta. What is a Giant Weta, you ask? Well, it’s a gigantic cricket-like insect that’s also the…

This Snake Surprise Is The Opposite Of What Anyone Would Want. Oh, My. NOPE.

This Snake Surprise Is The Opposite Of What Anyone Would Want. Oh, My. NOPE.

What’s your worst nightmare? Is it someone entering your home? Perhaps it’s falling off a super tall building? Personally, I cringe at the thought of finding snakes anywhere within a 5 foot radius of my person. But finding them in the toilet or bathroom? That’s even worse. That’s why when I saw what happened recently…

A Dying Squirrel Gets Help From a Kind Warrant Officer

A Dying Squirrel Gets Help From a Kind Warrant Officer

You know a man is kind hearted when he shows those creatures below him utmost respect. They often say to judge a man by how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. When one warrant officer came across a dying squirrel, he not only saved its life. He became its best friend. If this doesn’t…

Neighbors Kept Getting Items Stolen Until They Caught The Weird Culprit: A Cat.

Neighbors Kept Getting Items Stolen Until They Caught The Weird Culprit: A Cat.

Residents in a neighborhood of San Mateo, California, were uneasy. Items kept going missing from their homes without any reasonable explanation. Was there a thief in their midsts? Or worse, a sticky-finger poltergeist? The residents and local authorities were eager to put an end to all of the robberies, so cameras were set up throughout…

What People Have Spotted In Paris Over The Years May Be The Cutest Thing Ever.

What People Have Spotted In Paris Over The Years May Be The Cutest Thing Ever.

  [tps_header] This dynamic duo is the talk of the Internet today. Why? Because four years ago, not one, but TWO people just had to take photos of a dog and his best friend on the streets of Paris. On it’s own, this headline wouldn’t exactly sell many newspapers. But when these two people recently posted…

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