Cozy clothes which are actually made up of stone. Amazing!

Alex Seton, a Sydney-based artist, has introduced these marble made realistic sculptures of our day-to-day clothes. At first glance, these images seem to be of normal clothes, but take a closer look! These hooded sweatshirts, t-shirts and sportswear are actually carved from solid marble.

Seton generally uses Carrara marble for carving purposes. Carrara marble is usually white or blue-grey in color and is being used for building decors and sculptures ever since Ancient Roman era.

Seton, in his biography has mentioned that changing the outlook of people towards the traditions behind certain art materials fascinates him. This fascination has led to the creation of these sculptures of warm and comfortable looking clothes from a piece of cold solid material. More amazingly, they even have subtle folds and creases which gives them a real look.

We have generally seen Greek and Roman statues made up of marble, but Seton has shown that marble can also be used to create soft and cozy looking clothes.

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Source: (via: twistedsifter)

#NAME Cozy clothes which are actually made up of stone. Amazing!

#NAME Cozy clothes which are actually made up of stone. Amazing!

#NAME Cozy clothes which are actually made up of stone. Amazing!

#NAME Cozy clothes which are actually made up of stone. Amazing!

#NAME Cozy clothes which are actually made up of stone. Amazing!