Who invented the Brownie, and when?

Who invented the Brownie, and when?

  One bite of a delicious, warm, gooey, chocolate-y brownie fresh from the oven is enough to send most people to food heaven; but where did brownies come from, and who do we have to thank for one of the most delicious indulgences on the dessert menu? Who invented the Brownie? The answer isn’t a…

Where Does the Term Poindexter Come From?

Where Does the Term Poindexter Come From?

  If you’ve ever been called a poindexter, you know what a backhanded compliment it can be: it means you’re smart, but in a very un-cool way. Where did the term come from? Believe it or not, we can thank the antics of a cartoon cat for this not-quite-a-compliment. In 1919, Felix the Cat began…

Where Does the Term “OK” Come From?

Where Does the Term “OK” Come From?

  How many times a day do you use the term “OK”? If you were to count all the times you use the expression, whether it’s to show enthusiasm, agree with someone, describe something, or to change the topic of conversation, you’d probably be taken aback by how important those two little letter are. They’re…

Who Invented Bingo? History and Origin of Bingo Explained

Who Invented Bingo? History and Origin of Bingo Explained

Today, “Bingo” is a game of chance and “Beano” is an over-the-counter medication that helps you pass gas. Amazingly, though, “Bingo” was once called “Beano”, and before that, it was called “Lo Giuoco del Lotto D’Italia.” Here’s how the popular game made its way from Italy in the 1500s to modern-day bingo halls and senior…

What Is the Story Behind Chopsticks?

What Is the Story Behind Chopsticks?

  Few things bring more frustration to a Westerner than trying to use chopsticks – it’s like having to work for every bite, and it seems unlikely that Eastern folks are just born with the innate ability to pick up rice with two sticks. Well, just like Western children are taught to use a fork…

Why Does Crossing Your Fingers Signify Good Luck?

Why Does Crossing Your Fingers Signify Good Luck?

  There are a few reasons why people cross their fingers, but in the Western world one of the main reasons is to bring good luck, or to show support and solidarity for someone else. “I’ll keep my finger’s crossed” means “I’m rooting for you” or “I hope you have good fortune.” It’s one of…

Is It Possible To Not Have An Accent?

Is It Possible To Not Have An Accent?

Have you ever wondered about whether or not your favorite newscasters are just hiding their regional accents, or if they really don’t have any distinguishing inflections? In reality, they’re probably just using a neutral-sounding accent, known in the US as the General American accent. The General American accent is the tone of choice for nightly…

Why Were Pants Invented?

Why Were Pants Invented?

  Whether you like yours with a slim fit, boot cut, wide-leg, or hip-hugger, pants are modern mankind’s most versatile and popular garment. But this wasn’t always so: at one point, men and women alike enjoyed cool breezes in their nether regions from tunics, gowns and kilts. Why did the free-spirited days of robes give…

What Is The History Of The 7th Inning Stretch?

What Is The History Of The 7th Inning Stretch?

If you work for eight hours, you probably take a break after four hours of work. If you were to run for an hour, the best time to grab some water would probably be a half-hour into your run. Yet for some reason, in the world of baseball, it’s become logical to give everyone a…

Why are Polka dots called Polka dots? Polka dot origin explained

Why are Polka dots called Polka dots? Polka dot origin explained

Polka dots – probably best known today as gracing the bodies of pin-up models and Minnie Mouse, actually have quite the storied past. Where did they come from, and where do they get their musically inclined name? Polka Dot origin Polka dots have been around since at least the mid-1800s, although they weren’t always called…

What’s The Purpose Of Middle Names?

What’s The Purpose Of Middle Names?

  In today’s modern times, most people don’t make a whole lot of use out of their middle names. Unless you share a first name with a parent and want to avoid being called “Jr,” or really hate your first name, or you’re in really, really big trouble with your folks, your middle name is…

Why Did Summer Vacation Become Standard?

Why Did Summer Vacation Become Standard?

  Popular myth states that the reason schoolchildren have off during the summer is due to 19th century farming practices, and the need for parents to have extra hands around the farm in summer. Unfortunately, while that story certainly fits into America’s hard-working ethos, the truth is a bit more spoiled than all that. To…

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