What do cockroaches do? Plus Facts about Cockroaches

What do cockroaches do? Plus Facts about Cockroaches

Cockroaches are disgusting. This is the general opinion. Whenever we see a cockroach we tend to kill it and then act disgusted. Sometimes we’re even afraid of them because of the intense, instinctive repugnance they trigger in us.  So, cockroaches are an absolute “no” around the house and about. But still, they do exist and…

Why do cows lie down?

Why do cows lie down?

Cows are giving us one important aliment of our diet: milk and all its derivatives, like cheese, yogurt and so on. A dairy farm owner must have the right tools to run this business. It is important that your equipment is always in good condition. If you have hoses that needs repair look for a…

What animal has the largest brain?

What animal has the largest brain?

Brain size has interested us humans since forever. On the one hand, it is mostly because the definition of intelligence and its anatomical causes seem to elude us anytime we want to explain it. What is intelligence and what is the correlation between it and the brain? There is no satisfactory answer here and a…

Does brain size correlate to intelligence?

Does brain size correlate to intelligence?

Human brains substantially vary in size and we’re talking adults, not necessarily children. Usually, men’s brains are bigger in size than women’s brains. Does this mean men are generally smarter than women? Any feminist and man in his right mind would say this is outrageous and stay chill, it is. Still, the question arises: why…

Why do kittens knead?

Why do kittens knead?

Kittens knead and we love them for that. Actually, we love them for everything because they’re so cute and needy and purring all the time. There are also moments when they go crazy, chew on pretty much everything and sharpen their little claws on your favourite sofa, but you must forgive them, they’re just little…

Why do cats knead blankets?

Why do cats knead blankets?

Cats do knead blankets and we all know it, we’ve all seen it and we’ve all wondered why. Cats do like smooth and clean surfaces and blankets provide them with exactly that. So cats start “making bread” using the blanket as dough and you might get angry at them for doing that and ruining your…

Can cockroaches kill you?

Can cockroaches kill you?

Many people are afraid of cockroaches. They’re repulsive, it’s true, but what can they actually do to you? They’re so little and you are this giant creature always interfering with their “personal space” and they can’t really defeat you. Still, you’re scared of cockroaches because they mostly disgust you, cause you a strong repugnance and…

Why do people stare at me? Your Question Answered

Why do people stare at me? Your Question Answered

You are a person who spends a lot of time on a bus or a metro or just some other form of group transportation and have to deal with people looking at you for no reason at all? Having people look at you makes you feel uncomfortable in most situations. It makes you wonder if…

Who controls the Internet?

Who controls the Internet?

Controlling the Internet sounds really cool, isn’t it? Since everything’s on the Internet, controlling the Internet would be like controlling the entire world. Well, the good news is, nobody actually owns the Internet and no person or organization controls it, entirely. See, there’s a nuance here. We’ll discuss about that later. What we need to…

Which animals sleep standing up?

Which animals sleep standing up?

For us humans sleeping while standing up is not really possible. Yes, you might doze off in a bit of a quite upright position if you’re really sleep deprived, but the thing is, we humans don’t posses legs that can really lock in position, align themselves so to sustain us during sleep. Why would you…

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